Sunday, March 11, 2012

I look at her and I wonder with  a sense of bafflement and confusion almost unprecedented. I have yet to meet someone who is as good as she is at half truths bordering on, but never transcending into outright lies, the ease with which every sentence is punctuated with self-praise and criticism aimed at everyone else,  the ease with which she can recite anecdotes where she in the role of confidante manages to betray confidences and evoke shrieks of laughter at the expanse of the hapless idiot who confided in her and all this without ever becoming the bad party, I wonder how someone like her can have a loyal gang of followers and assume the role of agony aunty for juniors. I wonder and I don’t understand. Someone once theorized her following comprised people like her with a smilar brand of ethics (or lack of it thereof) and it passed right over my head.

How can you NOT see through her? How do you confide in someone you don’t trust an inch? How can you be loyal to someone who is poking fun at someone who they claim to be friends with and more. I wonder and I end up with no answers just a sense of betrayal tinged with a fair dose of bitterness when I see those I consider friends gang with her.  I wonder and I wonder at why I wonder when after all this time I should be used to such brand of people and none else and yet I still wonder…..

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