I understand the comfort and sense of completion a couple
gives each other. I also understand how you rely on each other and are probably
the biggest constant in life and I appreciate the warm, fuzzy feeling you all
probably get. However, what I don’t understand is the hype when the husband
goes somewhere for a vacation (I doubt the poor man is allowed to have one) ,
work (god forbid it be allowed to interfere with you being together!) or recreation
( anything other then you is blasphemous!). I am getting very tired of conversations obsessing about how lonely you
are without him , about how you are being driven insane because he isn’t there
and the cherry on the top is now thanks to the new cursed facebook I cant even
escape there. My wall is inundated with a virtual tsunami of statuses from
married friends whose spouses have gone for a full ‘TWO DAYS’!
For freaks sake women do they actually miss you so much as
you claim to! I use the word claim because I refuse to believe that you are as
incapacitated and as dependant on them as you claim to be. ‘miss hubby’
punctuated with not so cute nicks is something which to me appears to be ala
vogue, something you all do because your
friends are doing it, a classic, meaningless example of peer pressure which at
this age is shameful! Seriously if you can exist without your parents, people
whom you have been with since birth then trust me you can survive without your
other half and I can so totally survive without hearing about it! Thank you!
A very disgruntled me signing off!
You definitely need new un-married friend :P
lets just say I need 'normal' people and my current workplace so definitely isnt that :D
Theyvare probably getting laid every night after never getting laid, so when "he" is gone...
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