Saturday, July 23, 2011

I get that women are possessive, more so when they transit from girlfriend to wife but taking it to newer heights of paranoia is what I so DONT get! posting questions about the identity of a female commenter who's post your husband was 'brazen' enough to like is apparently justification enough to go all hysterical! hats off to the level of trust you have in the foundation of your lurrv marriage AFTER a daughter no less!!!

I am stuck with cretins!


Aly said...



wow! KILL the HUSBAND! He's philandering :P or so she thinks.

ordered-chaos said...


Kill me I say, apparently if majority rules, then I am the odd one out!! but still, can you believe THIS?!!!!

Aly said...


This is happening way more often then it should! Education I guess, is having an effect albeit, not the desired one.

Or should we blame it to social and western media!

ordered-chaos said...

A, I blame it on the loser profession I am stuck in, this paranoid behavior is pretty much specific to this set of people I find it refreshingly rare outside this circle!