Childhood was simpler when you wanted something for itself and then the world changed, it became chaotic, disorder personified with no semblance of anything remotely resembling order…… I no longer know if I want something because not having it is a convenient whipping horse, an excuse for rants and tears at the unfairness of it all or because someone else has laid claims to it or to justify a deeper, hidden need for something else. When and why did life become so complicated where the only sense things make is non-sense? And the ultimate absurdity is the basic question itself, its not like finding the answer to all this is going to make whatever I want for whatever reason will end up being handed to me on a platter with a cherry on top.
Once again Ramadan is here, the holy month where the doors of heavens are opened and blessing showered upon those who I ask, after ages things have become full circle. From anger to denial to numbness, I ask again to have I know not what….here’s to hoping each of us finds what we desire even if we don’t know what its.
Oh and Happy Independence day?
DEFINITELY! the soaring flag and ever green songs like 'ye watan tumhara' hai still make me teary :)!
I celebrated 14th August with kids 6-11 years old.. it was fun :) I felt like I was in school again ^^
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