Saturday, July 16, 2011

Government jobs everywhere are boring. In Pakistan they also take pointless pontification to new heights because they mimic pass-the-pillow more then any serious effort at getting the job done. However they can be amusing like today where I had to go to this meeting to discuss this agreement where a lot of departments were involved. True to norm I was the junior most not to mention the only female present, which basically translates to shout-and-we-may-hear-you and thump-and-we-may-actually-notice-you-represent-a-department. For once however justice was done when after seeing them argue and debate over trivialities I dropped the bombshell that the version of the agreement forming the nexus of their shortsighted universe was an old one and things had already moved on without them having the slightest clue. How this happened and more importantly why this happened is anyone’s guess, all I know is that it was FUN to see their expressions as the truth dawned not to mention the evil delight in my i-told-you-so :P


Aly said...

I want to work in a government organization. NOW.

Bas :P

ordered-chaos said...


Trust me you dont, this was one of those rare-once-in-a-life moment :P