Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I am not a very nice person, or a fair one for that matter. I can hate, and I don’t mean dislike but hate with a ferocious intensity that takes even me aback, people who have done nothing to me personally but who I see getting ultra frank with those I considered ‘mine’ sending all logic which screams at me that the frankness is as much encouraged by the recipient from whom I should and do have expectations as the giver who I should really in all fairness not hold accountable for anything. Like I said I am not a very nice person, neither am I logical and in the end that sucks for no one as much as I. poetic justice has a name – my life! 


Aly said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean.

'When I confronted the said girl, about being ultra frank with 'this stranger'

I was lambasted and given a huge tirade about how, much space is needed and, she needs to be left alone. And much worse, which I chose not to replicate here.

It has gotten to a very depressive point.

P.S. I cant emphasize, how glad I am to see you back :)

ordered-chaos said...

misery lurrves company eh Aly ;)

here it's not a special someone its a friend , make that WAS one.

Aly said...

You make me sound like a sadist, which sadly every one is.

We are loosing people way too quickly, aren't we? Gets scary at times, but then we have bling to keep us occupied. :(

ordered-chaos said...

A, you are one ;)

In a way better to lose those who don't deserve the special label then be deluded for longer no? Also I think it takes trials to make us appreciate our blessings so since the trials are compulsive better to bear it in silence.