Saturday, December 08, 2012

Sometimes I think I have been born in the wrong time, wrong time, wrong people. The absence of a soul mate isn’t the end of the world, finding someone who makes you very very happy just by being who they are and yet the age difference makes anything remotely impossible is nothing short of a stinker.  Even leaving that aside, I have come to the firm decision that I am so, so, so living in the wrong time period. My generation, those that I witness are mostly people who are either yuppies, the more-gora-then-the-true-goras burger version who have nothing better to do but change cars and party the whole time flaunting wealth they did nothing to earn and preen about a status they got by an accident of birth or worse still they are idiots with a wishbone where a backbone should have been. The men, nay the boys which abound are people I have nothing to talk about and I have tried, god knows I have tried.

It’s a time when manners are mistaken for weakness, chivalry is dead and probably throttled by the confounded feminist who make a male holding open a door for a female (rare as it is) a matter of life or death. I yearn for someone who would make me laugh with whom I can talk not just speak and the irony Is I have no desire for profound, intellectual conversations, just ANY conversation where I can be myself without babysitting fragile egos and cotton candy thin toes!

The irony, perverse as it is like I said isn’t the absence of someone like this but the absolute absence of someone my age. Life sucks nowhere as much when you are supposedly at the start line while the other is at the end! God and his sense of humor are incomprehensible as always!


Aly said...

'It’s a time when manners are mistaken for weakness,' aptly put.

0c, just hang on a little longer, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Hows life? Are, you where you were hoping to be?

cynicalutopian said...

A, unfortunately apt I wail everytime something like this comes up.

the light is usually a train rushing full speed at you!

I am ok, and NO! not unless a miracle occurs and the less I say about that the better!eratudes

Aly said...

0c, Atleast you are away from the land of green and pure, that's a start :)

Can you kindly, turn off the captcha. It makes it really hard to comment :( Yeah I am that dumb aj kal.