Saturday, May 26, 2012

I had a random conversation about marriage and relationships with S which got me thinking about how just because you don’t have logic to prove something it doesn’t mean your belief is wrong. We had somehow gotten into a discussion about relationships and how the current trend seems to be ‘gifts’ dictating how girls respond to you. I found the whole transactional nature of it ….offensive to say the least. He had no problems with it though why he wanted me to second his view was bemusing. I was stumped however when he equated the present with ‘hak mehar’  deeming marriage an economic transaction. While I do agree with the financial nature that is not the only defining feature of a marriage is it? It is hard to explain why he is so enamoured of polygamous relationships for lack of a better word where partying with random people who are like ships in the night while I am equally obsessed with a select few being important and having them be a permanent part of life. I am not saying any of these views are right or wrong. All I am saying is that sometimes you may not have logic to prove your point if any proof whatsoever is required but that doesn’t make them wrong. Chivalry, manners, commitment, honor….they are all ephemeral terms which lose tangibility with every minute in this fast, disposable world we seem to thrive in but and the but is the crux, they are no less relevant now are they?

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