Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We are a nation of extremes. We  swing between the highs and the lows of everything from social justic or otherwise to condemnation or approval. Take the workplace (I seem obsessed with it nowadays!)  for example. We have a few special workers (people who are visually or otherwise impaired) and you see either looks of pity and discomfort as others scurry out of the way as if its contagious or the other extreme where they shall be raved about and their COMPETENCE praised to the sky and beyond!

At the risk of censure while I do empathise with them, honestly I don’t get how being handicapped automatically confers ‘brilliance’ on anyone. Yes, you played against the odds and won which is why you are in the position you are at and I salute you for that but having reached it while I am all for the workplace making adjustments for your special needs , once those have been catered to,  I don’t see why the higher ups must automatically start composing eulogies on your behalf where your actual competence goes.

Undeserved praise does not appreciate, it insults for you gauge the worth of something without even trying it. It comes across as shallow and it insults no one more then the object of said praise. Salute the special all you want for they deserve it but once they have competed and worked to prove themselves please don’t let all that hard work go down the drain by consistently trying to make them ‘special’ when all they probably want is be treated and judged like everyone else!

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