Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am often confused when people tell me the lines between right and wrong, the personal, everyday version are often blurred if not downright indistinct. Take my present predicament for example, a colleague whose wife I am casual friends with has been offering a coffee/treat since the past couple of days. Simple you might think, but the spanner in the works is said the subtle undercurrents not to mention the offer is always late night. Add the workplace twisted dynamics and the fact that he is senior to me and working with the big B, someone who others are dying to interact with in the hope of getting the big B’s ear not to mention we have never hung out like this in the roughtly two years I have known him and I have a suspicion if not downright surety that it would be a disaster-in-making were I to accept …. And yet I delight in the banter of the treat demand and retreat …so to go or not is the question for the day!

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