Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its moments like these, the hateful ones involving your parents and sickness that I absolutely YEARN for prince charming/soul mate with an intensity that is agonizing. Its not the romance that you crave then but a deeper connection, a trust that someone is there for you to lean on or better still unload your burdens to that you desire among all others. When we are young parents are the caregivers the people you unburden yourself to but as you grow older ( I hate that!) the role is sometimes reversed and while mine are alhumdulillah in the best of health yet there are times when illness strikes and KABOOM all your independence and strength takes a hike through the nearest window taking your very superficial veneer of maturity with it!

Its all also times like these where I regret leaving medicine so that I am left with knowledge to freak out and nowhere enough to know with certainty what to do next! And its moments like these where all the ‘what if’ and all the ‘should-have-been-but-were-not’ scenarios come back with a vengeance opening wounds barely scabbed over to bleed anew. Its moments like these where I regret not saying yes to those I refused because I didn’t reciprocate because to be brutally honest right now anyone in ‘that’ role would do or so I think at this moment.

At moments like this I miss the people who are no longer part of my world, I miss those time has taken away or those I forced myself to walk away from because things were just not meant to be . I miss so much I wish I could go missing …….


Anonymous said...

I sincerely wish you find a great guy ! just hold on....this too shall pass...

P.S. i follow ur blog regularly....prefer to stay anonymous :)

ordered-chaos said...


the great guy would be more then welcome but its more about the friends you can count on to be just there for you, an unstinting doubt that one misses....

PS: why the anonymity, since I am sure I dont know you (or do I :P?) even the name would not really disclose your ID though it would give me chance to read whatever you write....

Anonymous said...

frnds don't come wid us all our lyf u u really cant count on them...i have had frnds whom i have lost touch wid afta they got married...such is lyf...i found new frnds...i m still in touch wid some of my old nt regularly...tats when u realize the need for somebody 2 be there for u all the tym... :)

P.S. i m presently copin wid a break-up u all tat i write is sad poems...i have privatised my blog so that ppl dont see me crib :P these days..i prefer my online identity to be anonymous :) btw...if u r wonderin abt my is a gal :)

Aly said...

Anon, what makes you so sure that, that 'somebody' is going to be there with us at all times..

Its a paradox, and I am with 0c, here its the friends that matter more than THE fiend or rather (temptress in my case)

And if you are going through a breakup, then all the more reason to read. Sadness, unfortunately outsells happiness by 1 to a million, or maybe more.

take care.

ordered-chaos said...


The jury is still out on who stays till when for everyone leaves in the end for some reason or the other if not death. Morbid eh . The prince would be very welcome if he would just figure out the way to me !

A, I sort of see anon's point too about friends moving on/away. the spouse on the other hand is linked more closely but then you have to come to that stage of commitment first.

PS: considering your own blog is closed you so cant tell her that :P

Aly said...

Hey, thats a tad below the belt :P and mine is not the one in question:S
I have it closed, for reasons.

Lets see, I don't write that often, and even when I decide to, its gobbled up shite, that not even my to be spouse would be interested in :P


Well, the tables are turned, its time women take matters in their own hands, whether it be paying their phone bill or looking for a hopefully-to-be-better half:D

And going by the logic above, I am eagerly waiting for her, to pop the silence and propose me any day ;)

Anonymous said...

lolzz...guess we r slightly as a response to Ali...i think women have taken matters into their hands and are self-sufficient enuf nt 2 depend on their partner...these days men have become more spineless n cowardly :P no offence meant thou' its somethin tat i m seeing a lot of late...i say so coz i have been victimized by such a man :P

Comin to the frnds-matter-more or partner-matters-more, at some point in tym in ur lyf..even thou' u r surrounded wid frnds...ur heart yearns for tat one special person...n tats when u feel awful abt nt havin one or havin missed one ;)

man...this is so depressin !!! guys...i m copin wid a break-up...dont get me started on men :P i m a practical-feminist...n currently anti-male :P
@Ali - be a man!!! dont take offense :P rotfl....

Aly said...

Marra, marra, marra.

Relax, Anon :P I was just kidding, when i said the self-sufficient part. 0c, and myself tend to enjoy the banter life has been constantly nagging us with :)

Please, no offence taken. By all means denounce, the deplorable gender:p

And hey! who's stopping you, unleash the tirades ^^ we might join you. And let us read, what thee shall write [;)] and watch the brat crawl back to thee.!

Aly said...

And i thought effeminate guys are in aj kal? No :P

we are not spineless, just a tad on the softer side, how dare you call us stalwarts 'cowards' you should be ashamed of your self :D

And, if the said guy was a spineless/coward, i am finding it difficult to fathom him victimizing you :P

tee hee *runs away*

Anonymous said...

waaaaah !!! man...easy...srsly....i give up :) let's nt dispute on this in oc's blog :P althou' my hands itch 2 write otherwise :P